Climate Economics

Economic analysis of climate, climate change, and climate policy

Project maintained by rtol Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Climate Economics

Lecture slides

  1. Climate science UG PG
  2. Scenarios and abatement UG PG scenarios PG abatement options
  3. Abatement costs UG PG
  4. Policy instruments UG PG
  5. Valuation UG PG
  6. Impacts of climate change UG PG
  7. Climate and development UG PG vulnerability PG development
  8. Adaptation UG PG
  9. Optimal climate policy UG PG PG secondary benefits
  10. Discounting, equity, uncertainty UG PG time PG risk PG inequity PG measurement
  11. International agreements in theory and practice UG PG
  12. Science-policy interface PG

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